Should I Use a Google Ad Grant Management Company for My Church?

Rochelle Smith

Have you gotten the Google Ad Grant yet?

It’s the free $10,000/month gift through Google for Nonprofits for eligible nonprofit organizations.

When most people hear about it, they think “This must be too good to be true.”

It’s not too good to be true, it really is $10,000/month in free ad spend for any 501(c)3 nonprofit.

But if you’ve started trying to use it, you might have realized that it’s more complicated than it looks.

Why Isn’t My Google Grant Spending More

Not getting the spend you were hoping for out of the Grant? That’s normal. Most of our clients were only spending $300-400 each month when they came to us.

It’s a great digital marketing tool, but it requires some unique marketing strategies to come to life.

You’re advertising on competitive keywords.

Google is always going to show Google Grant ads below paying customers. If you’re advertising on competitive keywords like “churches near me” if there are major churches in the area spending significant ad dollars, you may not be seeing results.

You aren’t using enough keywords

People search Google in strange ways. Did you know there are 590 searches a month for “church church”?

If you’re inputting 5-10 keywords into your Google ad campaigns, you’re likely missing out on a bulk of searches. Use a keyword planning tool like SEMrush, KWFinder, or Google Keyword Planner to find common similar searches, misspellings, and alternate phrasings.

You don’t have the right content & ads

Google Ads is part science, part art. And excelling with the grant requires someone knowledgeable about conversions, Google Tag Manager, compliance, Google Analytics, best practices, ad setup, and more.

As a pastor or communications director, you’re wearing a lot of hats. Excelling at the Google Ad Grant requires becoming a mini Google Ad expert, and a lot of time in your Google Ad Grant account.

We got into Google Ad Grant Management because we wanted to see churches grow. And we’ve figured out some tips and tricks along the way.

Unlock the Power of the Grant: Felt Needs Searches

The church down the road may be spending heavily on “churches near me” searches, but they have a limitation you don’t.

They’re stuck optimizing their cost-per-click. They’re only spending their budget on the audience actively searching for a church.

But people are still going to Google for their questions. In your area, hundreds of people are going to google for help fixing their marriage, raising their kids, and getting answers to the big questions in life. And people aren’t spending big bucks on these search terms.

By writing SEO-optimized articles and running Grant Ads, you can reach thousands more local people each month, without spending a dime. You can reach the people in your area through the needs they are experiencing.

That’s why we like to think of the Google Grant as the best outreach strategy you aren’t using, yet.

Don’t have time to write articles and manage ads? Use Reach The Lost’s marketing services to get access to 50+ felt needs landing pages and complete Google Ad Grant management, all at an affordable price.

Why Use a Google Ad Grant Management Service

Truth is: sometimes it’s cheaper to hire someone to do it than to learn to do it yourself.

A Google Ad Grant Management for churches service will be able to blend technical expertise with a unique understanding of your churches mission.

You, as a pastor or communications director, are free to think about other things.

At Reach The Lost, you’ll be given a dashboard with live reporting for your grant, a monthly 15-minute call to discuss upcoming advertising opportunities (like Christmas Eve, trunk or treat, or Easter), and confidence that your grant is being monitored and adjusted by a team of experts that deeply love churches.

Our nonprofit organizations regularly spend $8,500+ every month through our digital strategies.

Book a free 15 minute consultation.

Today, church growth starts with Google.

People in your area are googling all kinds of questions that you have answers to - things like "how to pick a church" "how to fix my marriage" or "how to manage anxiety".

We can help you reach more people each week (and we can help you use the free, $10,000/month Google Ad Grant to do it). Interested in learning more? Book a free strategy call with me.

Ryan Clark
CEO, Reach The Lost