5 Keys to a Successful Church Facebook Page

Rochelle Smith

Did you know that Facebook receives a whopping 2.963 billion site visitors every month? No wonder it’s considered one of the top social media platforms in the world! While many churches have a Facebook Page to communicate with their members, most people don’t realize the full potential of this powerful tool to expand their reach. 

That’s why we’re excited to share with you 5 keys to creating a successful church Facebook Page that will help you connect with potential visitors and engage with your community. But first, let’s discuss why and how to create a church Facebook Page.  


Why Your Church Needs a Facebook Page

A Facebook Page serves as a front door to your church. Before visiting a church, most people tend to check out their Facebook Page, so having a high-quality Page is important. 

A church’s Facebook Page is a chance to give potential visitors a warm welcome and a peek into what they can expect when they come to your church. Think of it like a mini website where you can display important information about your church such as service times, contact details, your mission statement, and photos of your church. 

A Facebook Page is also an easy way to share all kinds of content, from blog posts to videos, that can drive traffic to your church website and engage your followers. 


How to Create a Church Facebook Page

Creating a Facebook Page for your church is free and easy to do, even if you aren’t social media savvy. 

To create a Facebook Page for your church:

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account. 
  2. In the left menu, click Pages.
  3. Click the Create a new page button. 
  4. Enter your Page name (your church’s name). 
  5. Under the Category drop down menu, select Church and/or Religious Organization. 
  6. In the bio box, enter a short description of your church. This is a great spot to include your mission statement and service times.
how to create a church facebook page

Once you’ve created your Facebook Page, it’s time to customize it by uploading your profile image, cover photo, and contact information. When it comes to photos, aim for high-quality photos that capture the atmosphere of your church. Think church exterior, worship band, foyer, or welcome team – anything that shows off your church’s personality! 

Key 1: Remember Your Target Audience 

While your Facebook Page is a great way to interact with your church members, don’t forget your Page will also attract potential visitors. So, when creating your social media calendar, make sure to craft Facebook posts that engages people outside of your church, especially within your local community. 

For example, share community-wide church events, candid photos that show off your church’s personality, and blog posts discuss topics relevant to your community. You’ll also want to avoid Christian jargon, ministry titles, acronyms or other “churchy” words that may sound confusing or unfamiliar to someone outside of your church culture. 

Key 2: Maximize Your “About” Section

Creating a solid “About” section of your Facebook Page is crucial for attracting potential visitors. This is your chance to share the heart of your church, giving people a clear understanding of its purpose, values, and mission. Including details such as your worship service times, location, and contact information helps visitors easily connect with you. 

An informative “About” section can also increase the visibility of your Facebook Page in search engines. So, make sure to put in the effort to make this section shine, leaving no room for ambiguity and allowing visitors to gain a clear sense of who you are and what you have to offer.

about section facebook

Key 3: Regularly Engage with Your Followers 

Don’t let your Facebook Page sit on the shelf collecting dust. Regularly interact with your followers by responding to comments, direct messages, and posts your church is tagged in. A timely response shows your community that you’re listening and you care! 

A successful church Facebook Page also shares content that prompts followers to comment, like, and share. Engaging posts can look like fun questions that prompt people to share their opinion or snippets of your sermons. And don’t forget the power of candid photos! People love seeing familiar faces, so posting photos of your congregation, events, and it fosters a sense of belonging and encourages church members to tag and share the photos with others.


Key 4: Promote Your Church with Facebook Ads 

Facebook Business Page owners have free access to Facebook Ads Manager, an effective tool for reaching more people with your Facebook posts. With Facebook advertising, you have the ability to boost your existing content or create targeted ad campaigns that cater to specific audiences and goals. Whether you’re looking to promote an upcoming event to families in your local community or you simply want to drive more traffic to your website, Facebook Ads has your back. 

Facebook Ads Manager is an intricate platform, but trust us, it’s worth exploring. At Reach The Lost, we specialize in helping churches attract new families every week through the power of Facebook and Google Ads. If you ever need a hand, we’re here to help. 

facebook ads

Key 5: Optimize Your Facebook Page for SEO 

Did you know you can apply SEO practices to your Facebook Page? SEO isn’t only for websites, Google actually crawls Facebook Pages as well. Optimize your Facebook Page for search engines by sprinkling location-specific keywords in your “About” section, Facebook posts, and image alt text. Creating keyword-rich content increases your chance of visitors discovering your church’s Facebook Page when searching online. 

If you want to drive people straight to your website, make sure to include links to landing pages and blog posts in your Facebook posts. You can also encourage website visits by customizing your call to action button at the top of your Page.  


Looking to step up your SEO game? Our Reach The Lost team would love to help your church shine in search engine results. Schedule a call, and we can chat about your goals and come up with a killer SEO strategy that’s tailored just for your church.

What’s the Difference Between a Facebook Profile, Page, and Group? 

Let’s unpack Facebook Profiles, Pages, and Groups. A Facebook profile is a place for individuals to share personal information and connect with friends. You must have a Facebook Profile to manage or create a Page and Group. 

A Facebook Page is designed for businesses and organizations, like churches. You can use a Page to share updates, promote your services, and even have multiple Facebook accounts managing it. 

A Facebook Group is a space where a group of people with common interests can come together and discuss a topic. While Facebook Groups can be helpful for small ministries or church community groups, we typically don’t recommend Groups as the main platform for a church.

Today, church growth starts with Google.

People in your area are googling all kinds of questions that you have answers to - things like "how to pick a church" "how to fix my marriage" or "how to manage anxiety".

We can help you reach more people each week (and we can help you use the free, $10,000/month Google Ad Grant to do it). Interested in learning more? Book a free strategy call with me.

Ryan Clark
CEO, Reach The Lost