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The 5 minute newsletter for better church communications. 

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Ahead of the curve

Your Easter planning and promotion checklist

Avoid that last minute “oh no” and be the best prepared for the Easter planning meeting with this comprehensive checklist.

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The Connected church

4 ways to save time with ChatGPT (that don’t suck)

Are you excited about AI? Or are you worried that it will take your job?

We think that, properly used, these tools can free you up to do more important work. Here are 4 ways that churches can use ChatGPT to spend less time on busy work and more time on discipleship, strategy, and more.

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Healthy Ministry

Book of the Week: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Your role has a lot of noise – whether from congregants, volunteers, or other ministry staff. John Mark Comer writes The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry to give us a better way.

He writes, “…there is a healthy kind of busyness where your life is full with things that matter, not wasted on empty leisure or trivial pursuits. By that definition Jesus himself was busy. The problem isn’t when you have a lot to do; it’s when you have too much to do and the only way to keep the quota up is to hurry.”

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become a better church communicator, 5 minutes at a time.

Every year, being a relevant, connected church gets harder. The pandemic made online experiences mandatory. Social media algorithms are constantly changing, requiring creative approaches to reach their audiences. AI and data privacy laws are rapidly changing the digital landscape for churches.

We created the Better Church Comms newsletter because we believe the Communications department is one of the most important ministries of the church.

You wear so many hats. Hand the “learner” one over to us.

Twice a month, we’ll send you a five-minute newsletter. You’ll get recommendations to make your life easier, templates to save you time, case studies of creative approaches other churches are taking, and some encouragement for sustainable, healthy ministry.


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"I'm thrilled about Better Church Comms. We work with so many amazing churches, and we're excited to bring their wisdom, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking to you.

Maddie Hsin – Reach The Lost